Sunday, May 22, 2005

eBay Crap of the Week

I'm gutted I missed out on this auction. As the seller lives in the same city as me there would of been a good chance that the toast would of been still warm after he posted it.

The Picture of Everything

It's a picture. Of everything. That's it.

Pixel Group

Remember that site where you could move a bunch of fridge magnet letters around with a load of other people? Well this is the same kind of thing, except you switch pixels off and on.

He Looks Like

A simple idea. Send this guy a photo, he'll post it on his blog and tell you what he think it looks like while you can add your own comments on the ... err ... comments. It's a bit hit and miss, but there is some funny stuff on there.

A Tale of Two Empires

As everyone knows there's two evil empires in the universe. First of all there's Palpatine, Darth Vader and the boys. Then there's the New York Yankees.'s Nick Bakay compares the two to see which one would come out top in the evil World Series.

Draw a Pig Personality Test

There's lots of ways to check on your mental health, but by far the best is to draw a pig online. I can't begin to tell you how much more at peace with myself I've become since I scribbled my own little porker.

Crazy Rabbit

Stupid flash game thing where a rabbit tries to grab your cursor. I like to let him grab it then slam the bastard against the sides of my monitor until he drops off, but that just might be me.


This site uses Google News to plot stories over a map of the world. Looks interesting and I'm not surprised to see big red circles over Washington DC and Baghdad, but where's the Federated States of Micronesia?

Geek Fantasies

Mmmmmm, still in it's original box.

Monday, May 16, 2005

eBay Crap of the Week

I like how it's eyes follow you as you walk by.


I find this site strangely relaxing and hypnotic. I can sit for hours, drinking Earl Grey tea and watching the total amount of live being's biological waste (in tons) for this year in real time.

The Worlds First Inflatable Pub

This will come in very handy as I'm pretty sure that I'm the worlds first inflatable alcoholic.

Perfect Sideburns

I suffered for years the humiliation of going out in public with sideburns that lack symmetry and sharp angles. Now thanks to this product I can get a full Elvis in seconds. Thank you Prolook!!!111

Laughing Yoga

I've only been doing this for three days, but I've already lost 50lb. I am happy, I'm relaxed. I am happy, I'm relaxed. I am happy, I'm relaxed.

I may not know much about art, but I know what I like. Manholes.

Celebrity Skin

I can't tell you how long I've been waiting to get my hands on some of Dr Phil's pubic hair. This site is a godsend.

Bootleg Browser

Rather than start with some eBay tat or mepg's of Japanese schoolgirls shitting on each other I thought I'd actually post something useful for a change. This site is a portal for live recordings. A good range of music is listed. I've already downloaded some Who and XTC concerts, but I haven't had a chance to listen to any yet.

Monday, May 02, 2005

The Man with the Smallest Penis in Existence and the Electron Microscope Technician Who Loved Him

And finally a film for you to watch this evening. Better phone Blockbuster and reserve a copy though.

Terri Speaks from Beyond the Grave

Now she's dead and had a bit of solid food old Terri Schiavo is a new woman. I only wish she could of held on for a few days longer and maybe some TV company would of picked up on my idea.

eBay Crap of the Week

I always knew Elvis was still alive and I always had a suspicion that cats were involved in his disappearance.

The tasteful Italian coffin making company. It's tough to choose the right wooden box for your dead loved one, so this company makes things easier on you by including scantily clad female models in the photos. When I go, I want to go in the Cristo Europa. Nice

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