Friday, January 28, 2005

Divine Interventions

The next time some fundamentalist Christian is trying to argue Creationism over natural selection, stick a baby Jesus buttplug up their jacksy.

Gack Trek - Next Generation

Stupid Star Trek spoof. Very sweary and very funny.

Help Noel!

It an attempt to get cuddly former DJ and multi-millionaire businessman Noel Edmunds back on TV Holy Moly have started this page. Some of those posts are actually ideas that Noel has pitched to TV companies.


If it wasn't for this site I would of never known that Donna Spangler had her throat slit in Roots of Evil.

Random Oscar Generator

Want to find out who won best supporting actress in a foreign film, but can't be bothered to watch the whole twelve hour broadcast? Then your prayers are answered by this website. Troy wins best costume design, who'd a thunk it?

Disturbing Auctions

For the person who has everything - a frog purse.

Celebrity Lookalikes

If you were going to hire someone from a company like this then you'd expect the person who shows up to have at least a passing resemblance to the celebrity you wanted, but not most of these. The Pamela Anderson ones are particularly horrific and please tell me on what occasion would anybody on this planet want to hire a Michael Bolton look-alike? Although I have a suspicion that this is the real Michael Bolton.

Budweiser's Banned Super Bowl Commercial

Hey guys I've got an idea. Let's make a Super Bowl ad parodying last year's 'Wardrobe Malfunction'. Then we'll pretend it's been banned, but host it on our website so it gets lots of hits. We get all the publicity without paying Fox any money to show it. This is a remote host by the way, so you get to see it without going to bud's site and the ad is pretty funny.

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