Saturday, July 09, 2005

Tom Cruise's Blog

"Oh, have I mentioned that I have a movie coming out? It stars me! And it's going to be sooooo good -- Katie watched it last night, and she told me it was the best thing she'd seen all day; next to me, of course. And you know what? She has a new movie coming out as well, though I can't remember what it's called. Batman's Buns, or something like that. We're going to watch it together next week, because I think that's when it's coming out. If it's anything like Katie, I'm going to fall in love with it in no time flat, because that's how I feel about Katie -- she's awesome! I can't believe she's so awesome -- I've never felt this way before, I swear! Penelope was...well, let's not go there. Personally, all I'll say is that I wasn't the reason so many people hated Vanilla Sky. People love my smile! You remember Jerry Maguire, don't you? Haha, I knew you would. I've got to go for now though; those Thetans won't disappear by themselves!


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